Asp4Hs/PHP4Hs: What's Old
This is the older overflow from the Asp4Hs/PHP4Hs: What's New
page. It's probably of no use or real interest to anyone but, since I'm an
electronic packrat, it'll stay ;-)
- 1/13-20/2005
- I finally got time to post several new scripts from DrTebi (who has
been extremely patient as well as prolific in script writing).
- Expand Vars, mainly for PHP var formats.
- Change Case
lets you change selected text to lowercase, uppercase, sentence case
or word case (proper case).
- PHP Online Help,
a new and improved php function documentation lookup tool.
- Tomas Berdych from the Czech republic sent in a nice
Create Option List from Selection
script to convert a selection to HTML option lines, with several nice
options for the value attributes.
- Fixed some article links.
- 10/26/2004
- Sean Callan sent in an update of his
php4b syntax coloring parser
with a number of updates and improvements.
- Removed several dozen functions which aren't in PHP 4.
- Disabled highlighting of HTML attributes because a bug in HomeSite
causes errors when HTML attribute highlighting is enabled and more
than one PHP block is included in a single HTML tag attribute.
- Sean Callan also sent in an update to his add-in for
PHP 4 function insight and context sensitive help.
- I rearranged the Tips/FAQs into a more logical ordering
and added the WinXP SP2 info.
- 10/14/2004
- Added a new tip/faq: Tip: Re-Docking Resource Windows.
- Looks like Macromedia has done some work on their
HomeSite Support Center,
and also that they have some new technotes up.
- While the great majority of HomeSite users are having no problems with
the WinXP SP2 update, a few are, so here are some resources for
those having trouble with HomeSite and WinXP SP2.
- 8/6/2004
- Jens Gyldenkærne Clausen wrote the
VB New Property script
to generate code to define a property.
- Jeremy Swinborne sent in a new PHP5 parser
with support for new PHP5 statements, objects and reserved words.
- DrTebi sent in a new Validate XML script
and the Create Option List script.
- Be sure to welcome Carl McDade and Brett Errington
as new members of Team Macromedia for HomeSite.
- 6/14-29/2004
- 6/3-4/2004
- Carl McDade sent in an update to
PhpPrintText script,
with a version that does not use the "here doc" format for longer blocks.
- Cosme Marins sent in a new
Compiler Call Script for C#/VB.Net
that calls a VB.Net or C# compiler for ASP.NET code. It dynamically creates
a .dll file in the bin directory. It runs directly in the IDE of HomeSite
so no .bat file is necessary and all call's are made to imports.
(an english language version is now included)
- 5/18-25/2004
- DrTebi sent in a new C-style comment/uncomment script,
notable particularly because you can uncomment by just placing your cursor
anywhere within a /* */ comment pair and it will find the nearest
comment start and end to remove. Useful for PHP, C, C++, Javascript,
JScript, and all code that uses /* */ commenting.
- B. Collier Jones gave me permission to host a copy of his syntax parser
tutorial, so it's available via Asp4Hs: TSyntaxMemo
Docs and Sample Scripts.
- Sean Callan wrote an updated
php4b syntax coloring parser
with a number of updates and improvements. (updated slightly on 5/25)
- Yuri Weseman sent in a great upgrade to the
FileCompare script.
The major addition is that now it can compare remote files too.
- Carl McDade sent in PhpPrintText script,
a PHP version of the ASP AddRespWrite2
script. Carl's script converts selected HTML to PHP print code statements.
- Added PHP4 plus html attributes,
a slightly modified PHP4 parser that has the coloring of HTML attibutes
enabled. Thanks to Christian Swoboda.
- 4/6/2004
- Ken Tuck added the new PHP Image Gallery custom dialog,
and updated other dialogs here
and here
- I've added some scripts here that seem to be
no longer available at I have
mostly all of them. See the note from 2/26/04.
- Updated SelBibleRef,
a quick little script of my own to convert selected Bible scripture references text to links.
- 3/19/2004
- Farah Gron is working on some HomeSite technotes and updates to existing
technotes. One thing out of that is that we've gotten the useful
VTML tutorial thread ("Why not a VTM tutorial?") back online at the forum.
(though it's under archived threads). See the info in the articles list under
VTML Tips & Techniques.
For those having trouble getting to the forum copy (and in case the thread
is deleted or lost, I've saved a mirror copy.
- 2/10-26/2004
- Warning: I just found out that is either down or
misconfigured. I sent an email to Bernhard Friedrich about it.
If the site doesn't come back up soon, I have most of the files for the
scripts section and can put up a mirror if necessary. In the meantime,
if you need scripts from there, check the
WayBack Machine (here
or here)
at the Internet Archive first.
If you really can't find the files you need there,
then email me. I have all those scripts except the following.
If you have any of these, please send me a copy.
- js/
- js/
- js/
- Earle Castledine updated his auto-completion
script to v0.4 for a bug fix.
- Ken Tuck added the new PHP/MySQL Session Wizard,
and updated several others including:
- Added SelBibleRef,
a quick little script of my own to convert selected Bible scripture references text to links.
- The Macromedia Developer's Exchange had gone to a Flash-based user interface,
and had broken many of my links to individual items that are located there.
Thanks to help from George Fox and others, they've pretty much resolved
this now for individual items, though my links to sections are still generally
broken. They just added some help telling how to link to items in the exchange,
so see How do I link to a specific extension on the Exchange?
- 1/22-30/2004
Team Macromedia:
Attention Experienced HomeSite Users:
If you are a 'power HomeSite user' and enjoy helping other users, please
consider joining Team Macromedia, a group of volunteers that
participate in the forums and blogs, publish content to the MM developer
center, speak at user groups and conferences, etc. More info
As you can see, the HomeSite part of the team is a bit small right now.
(=me) If you are interested in joining, email
- Added a new script by Earle Castledine that does
auto-completion of
variables, etc from the current file.
Note: Earle gave
me another update on 1/30, so if you got it earlier than this, get the
new copy.
- Posted a zip with a clean
copy of the article and scripts from the
"Roll Your Own Features in HomeSite and Studio."
(the article on the macromedia site had gotten munged up in site conversions
somewhere, they've fixed it now though) The scripts are for converting
special chars and for saving bookmarks to a file and reloading them.
- Added a new script/bat file set by Raymond Camden,
C# Compiler Call Script,
for calling a .Net C# compiler. Easy to mod for other purposes.
- 1/7-20/2004
- Happy New Year!
- Nick Bradbury, original creator of HomeSite and creator of
TopStyle and FeedDemon,
has some interesting blog discussions of the very
real effects of software piracy on small developers. See
On Piracy
and On Piracy, Part II
(and FeedDemon Crack later).
Nick's a good guy, and works hard with a lot of skill and creativity
and listening to users to make tools that are some of the best available
in their classes. They are well worth the very-reasonable prices he charges.
If you use his software without paying, it's theft, clear and simple.
Don't bother trying to rationalize it.
IMO, there's just no justification for using dangerous,
stolen warez/pirated copies of applications like his. If you want to try
his apps, use the trial/shareware downloads. If you don't think they're
worth paying for, don't use them. Simple... Nick gets paid for his hard work,
you don't have to worry about trojans or viruses in your download...
and you sleep better.
- Added PHP Search Function by Thomas Andersen.
- Added XSL-FO tag definitions set.
- Added a listing for the View Current Windows Resource Usage script.
- Added an article link to HomeSite
TechNote: Unicode issues in HomeSite/HomeSite+ 5.5.
- 12/2/2003
- 11/3-21/2003
- Added Tools for Fusebox Developers
by Steve Nelson of
- Added Design-Side Includes by Dem Pilafian.
DSI is discussed in this thread;
Reusing HTML Footers and Headers
- Added more reference links to individual items in add-on lists to make
it easier to link to to individual items without having to view source
for the anchor names. (see the #'s)
- 11/03: Some sad news:
A few weeks ago, Darren Forcier passed away. Darren has served for
several years as one of the HomeSite developers at Macromedia.
I'm sure many of you have been helped by him at some point. Darren
was a good man and a strong advocate for HomeSite users and he will
be missed.
- 10/15-20/2003
- Note from Macromedia's HomeSite Team:
Are you working with XML?
We're interested in learning more about what
users are doing with XML and the tools and features they like. If you are
interested in sharing your thoughts, please send an email to to talk further.
- Looks like Bernard Nirlo has created all sorts of add-on's for HomeSite
to support the Tridion Content Management System.
(CMS) Check out his HomeSite help additions, function insight, syntax coloring,
toolbars and a whole "full homesite integration" system with clear instructions at
Note: Bernard also has Dreamweaver MX add-on's for Tridion at the aptly-named
Excellent work Bernard!
- Alex Harter has posted an interesting add-on, the
activeXviewer IntelliHelp.
He says "You can use the activeXviewer in Vbscript or Javascript ASP pages
developed in Homesite to emulate Visual Interdev's IntelliSense feature.
activeXViewer.dll is COM based and can also be used in any COM compliant
development IDE to view LocalServer32 and InProcServer32 registered servers.
View the activeXViewer.vbs file for example code."
I haven't gotten to try it yet, but it sounds promising.
- I'm doing some work on getting links to the Developer's Exchange corrected.
What a pain. I wish they'd stop redesigning all their urls's to items.
This is the 4th or so time I've had to fix all those links... bah.
- 8/27-9/11/2003
Information is starting to trickle out about the HomeSite (and HS+)
version 5.5 update. Major new features include a
macro-recorder, enhanced snippets, snippet integration between HomeSite and
Dreamweaver MX 2004, ColdFusion MX tag support updates, a TopStyle Lite update
to v3.1, and more. For info, start here.
Here are the HomeSite
5.5 (standalone)
and 5.5+
release notes.
(I'll post more info here as I get it.)
Note: The
Macro Recorder
will be a powerful new tool to help more people do repeatable complex
actions in HomeSite and to help them get a jumpstart into scripting HomeSite.
Macros are saved as VBscript or Jscript WSH scripts, which you can edit
and improve.
The snippet enhancements include
support for variables inside snippets. So, you can embed
variables into the snippet text. When you insert the snippet you are prompted
for the values. They take the same form as VTML variables: $${VARNAME}.
You may also include a list of values for the variable like so: $${COLOR:Blue,Red,Green}.
There is also a set of built-in variables such as:
- Added the new PHP or Javascript Browser CSS Redirector Dialog,
JS Widgets wizard
and an update of the DHTML Image Rollover Wizard
by Ken Tuck.
- 8/18-20/2003
- The HomeSite and HomeSite+ updaters to 5.2 for the
French and German versions are now available at Macromedia's
HomeSite Downloads.
Make sure you get the right updater, HS or HS+, for what you have
installed. If you are unsure, see
FAQ: What is HomeSite+? How is it different from HomeSite?
- Warning: The Macromedia Developer's Exchange has gone
to a Flash-based user interface, and has broken many of my links to individual
items that are located there. (as well as making it difficult or impossible
to determine the direct URLs of new items. I am trying to talk to them about fixing this.
In the meantime, you may have to go to the exchange
and search the HomeSite section for particular downloads. If they don't
resolve it and allow a way to link to individual items, I'll have to set up
local copies here. Updated 8/20/2003.
- Added listings of some of Sam Foster's useful scripts:
Remove Columns,
Comment and un-Comment Code,
Javascript DocWrite,
Escape HTMLString.
- Added Tip: Getting CF Updates for Studio/HomeSite.
- 8/9-13/2003
- 7/11/2003
- 5/1-23/2003
- 4/7/2003
- 3/27/2003
- W.K. Lau updates his readme with a note that his
ASPX-CSharp Parser
doesn't seem to work in HS 4.5, but will in 4.5.2.
- MM posted the license/EULA for using the syntax highlighting
parser sources that they posted last month. They are allowing us to use
the scripts they released to make mods, new parsers, etc and to share them.
See the license/EULA here,
particularly section 2. The text is lawyerese, but relatively clear and the gist is that
we can use these.
- Added several HomeSite-related articles from Larisa Thomason on NetMechanic.
See "Beginner Tip: The Pro's and Con's of WYSIWYG Editors" and
"Homesite Tip: Snippets Save Time And Reduce Coding Errors."
- 2/23-24/2003
- 2/14-20/2003
- Added a interesting ASP.Net HS script from Michael Jaffe;
ASPX C# Compiler Call Script.
- Woohoo! Happy Valentines Day! Great news.
Macromedia agreed to release the source scripts
for all the syntax coloring parsers that come with HomeSite so users
can tweak them, extend them, and use them to build new parsers. Check them out
and please remember to consider sharing anything useful you create with others
via this site or the Developers Exchange.
And, special thanks to Matt Brown, Farah Gron, Darin Cayon and others at Macromedia
who helped convince the bosses that it'd be ok to release these sources.
The scripts zip was posted twice without a couple of the include files needed by
some of the scripts. It's fixed now (2/20).
- Also found a TCL syntax parser for HomeSite by Scott Gamon.
- BTW, Nick Bradbury, the original author of HomeSite, just released version 3.1 of his
CSS/HTML/XHTML editor. Definitely recommended. No other CSS editor even
comes close. Works great as an integrated editor with HomeSite (if you order via my
affiliate link, it'll drop me a few cents... ;-)
- 2/12/2003
- 1/20/2003
- 11/13-17/2002
- 10/18-30
- 10/7
- 9/26-27
- 9/4-5
- 8/13-19
- Added a neat new PHP Toolbar by Matt Zur.
- Came across some very useful Bookmarklets at
Jesse Ruderman's Bookmarklets.
Great for viewing page source, css, scripts, named anchors, block structure, domain owner,
etc. Also very handy bookmarklets to look up a page on the WayBack Machine
when you hit a 404 error...
- 7/12
- BTW, Nick Bradbury, the original author of HomeSite, just released version 3 of his
CSS/HTML/XHTML editor. Definitely recommended. No other CSS editor even
comes close. Works great as an integrated editor with HomeSite (if you order via my
affiliate link, it'll drop me a few cents... ;-)
- Collier's Parser tutorial is down again for some reason. Remember that, if you can't get to a
site, you can try the Wayback Machine,
an archive of much on the web. Collier's parser can be found
- BTW, B.J. Johnson posted an XSL parser for Homesite in the files section of
the HomeSite Yahoo club.
- Macromedia has created the Macromedia
Application Development Center for ASP.NET. This is tailored to Dreamweaver MX
now, but it may be interesting to ASP.Net'ers using HomeSite.
- 7/5
- 7/2
- 6/12
- Updated the ASP custom Dialogs from Patrick Chau.
to fix a slight error in server_variables.vtm. Fixed it once before, but
not correctly. Doh!
- Added a tip, Clearing VTML Cache
- There has been a lot of confusion and discussion about the future of HomeSite
as a separate product or whether it might be merged completely into
Dreamweaver MX by Macromedia. FWIW, the 'official' word on it is at
HomeSite - Dreamweaver MX FAQ
and the CF Studio FAQ.
If this is not satisfying or understandable to you, come join the discussions
on the HS forum.
Hopefully we won't have to migrate
to DWMX.
- 4/22-25
- Carl McDade found a copy of Brent Bain's ASP/Vbscript Expression Builder.
I also found some of the files on the Internet Archive. Since Brent's site has
been offline and no one has been able to contact him, I've posted a copy here.
- Recently a HS forum user mentioned Jalindi Igloo, a CVS-SCC plug-in
that will let you use CVS for source control in HomeSite. See
Source and Version Control for more info.
- 3/8
- Added a script by Robert Sherman, CVS Header Script,
that will insert a 'standard' CVS file header into the top of current file.
- 2/25-26
- Sent out a new mailing list message... sign up if you're interested.
- Added a tip from Jens Nilsson, Speed Editing by
using the Code Template feature.
- Fixed links to old forum thread URLs by replacing ""
with "". (only noted in case others
need this fix to get to threads from the old forum.) Login will probably be needed for access.
- 2/4
- 1/31
- 1/24
- 1/9-15
- Macromedia has now posted additional spell-checker dictionaries for HS/CFS v5.
Find the link and more info at FAQ: How do I find additional Spell-Checker Dictionaries for HomeSite/CFS/JRS.
- Macromedia is combining the Allaire support site into their own. This means
many link, forum and functionality changes, so please be patient. Hopefully
most old links will work anyway until I get them updated. Some forum thread links
may not.
- Added links to a page about discounts on CSE Validator
for HomeSite/Studio registered users. Save $40! Good to know.
- 1/2/2002
- Happy New Year all!
- Added a version of the Edit linked file script
greatly enhanced by Nenad Rogic.
- smNetServerControls
was updated. Looks like 3 sets of HomeSite wizards were added and a few bugs fixed.
- 12/5-18/2001
- 11/6
- Added the brand new Vb.Net Parser
from Jose Luis Barreda, our first add-on creator from Mexico.
- Macromedia finally got their Team Macromedia
site updated and I'm now listed
as a member for HomeSite. Woohoo! ;-)
- 10/10-26
- 9/4-6
- 8/21-30/01
- 7/27/01 - 8/10
- 7/16-17/01
- 7/4-10/01
- 5/29/01
- Allaire just published
an article I wrote for them... see
Writing or Converting Help Sets for HomeSite Use,
"One of the more useful features of the HomeSite editor is that it has a
system for built-in help and documentation that is easy to customize and
extend. Here are some suggestions for how to write help doc sets or convert
existing ones for best use under HomeSite."
- 5/17
- 4/17-27
- 4/3-9
- 3/4-30/2001
- 2/15-28/2001
- 1/5-8/2001
- 12/1-6/2000
- 11/21-23/00
- Added a link to Microsoft's new ASP.Net site,
all about the new, coming ASP.Net (the technology formerly known as ASP+).
- Updated the FunctionHelp script from Per Søderlind.
It displays the help file/description for functions defined in the
ExpressionElements.vtm file when you click on a function and then
hit the shortcut key. The update fixes a bug reported by Ed Ost.
- 11/3/00
- Added a new HS-compatible help set of the Current PHP(4) manual set
converted by Carl Mc Dade. Be sure to thank him if you use this. It's 1650+ files that he converted.
- 10/10-27/00
- 9/27/00
- Posted the new GetFields script by Keith Collison.
- Added a link on PHP4Hs to FAQ: Guide to installing PWS,
Perl and PHP on a Windows System by David Fischer.
- 9/6-12/00
- 8/28 - 9/1/00
- 8/24/00
- Added links and listings for a series of excellent help sets from DevGuru.
They are available both online and in downloadable forms that can be used
as integrated help add-on's to HomeSite's Help.
- Split the Add-on's list into separate pages by section since it was getting too long.
- 8/10-19/00
- 7/17/00
- Added a new GDB_Snips snippets set to support GenericDB (GDB).
- 7/7-11/00
- Joel Mueller sent me another update of his AddRespWrite2 script
for converting HTML to Response.Write code.
- Did some work describing sites in the ASP Links list.
(separate from Asp4Hs: Links)
- Added more useful Allaire KB article links throughout Asp4Hs.
- Added a link to a new section at 4GuysFromRolla on ASP security.
- 6/23-29/00
- 5/31 - 6/7/00
- Added a link to a new HomeSite add-on project, XSLAtHome.
See links for more description.
- Added a FAQ (What do I need to view ASP in HomeSite?) about
setting up PWS and HomeSite's server mapping.
- Added a listing to the togglemappings script by John Finlayson-Fife.
- Corrected links to items to match Bernhard's site redesign.
- 5/16/00
- Added a listing for Chris Bradford's HS Template Tool.
This isn't a new script, but it is powerful and useful.
- Corrected links to Allaire Developers Exchange items to match their site redesign.
- Added a note to make it clearer that these
extensions should all work in comparable versions of ColdFusion Studio and
JRun Studio just as they do in HomeSite.
- Added a link to a new Yahoo Club for HomeSite.
- 4/11/00
- 3/30/00
- 3/20-29/00
- Thanks to Damian Maclennan, we now have a set of help files for
JScript from microsoft.
- Updated the VBScript help set to fix a few internal links.
- Added some good ideas from the HS forum to the Wishlist
and to Top Priority Enhancement Requests.
- Posted version 2.1 of Keith Collison's great AspDataBaseVtm.
This is a minor tweak to change the default CursorType to adOpenStatic.
- Added a link to some MS HTML Help Compiler resources.
- 3/8-9/00
- Added some links to PerlScript resources for those who
would like to use Perl as the scripting language in ASP.
- Posted SelectScripts,
a set of quick scripts that act on selected text.
- 2/20/00
- Posted version 2 of Keith Collison's great AspDataBaseVtm.
Many new improvements and additions to the excellent example of what can be done
in code generation with VTML.
- 2/9-17/00
- Nate Weiss renamed his JavaScript Function Browser script to
Script Explorer and improved it
by adding support for ASP, including for Vbscript Sub's.
Later Update. Now case-insensitive for VBScript and no scrolling issue.
- Added a great new JavaScript Function Browser script
from Nate Weiss. Like Procedure Explorer, but lists all functions in all open files and has a handful
of powerful additional features. Check it out.
- Allaire is asking for some good feedback on our most desired feature additions
for ASP support enhancements in HomeSite. Please see
Top Priority Enhancement Requests and offer your feedback.
- Allaire has assigned a dedicated ASP-issues point-of-contact person (part-time).
See my challenge and Patrik Muzila's response
in this thread.
- 2/1-2/00
- Added links to various W3C specs (recommendations) for those wishing to use them as installable help sets.
- Added a listing for Jerry van Beers' set of Custom Tag Editors and Wizards
- Added a page detailing a couple of common ASP-related security issues.
- Added some links to useful security information re
ASP and Windows NT.
- 1/26/00
- Added some links to interesting Alternate ASP
Implementations and Conversion Tools.
- 1/19/00
- Added a new tag editor by Octavian Duma to do SSI Includes.
- Added a listing to Weyert de Boer's set of syntax parsers.
- Added a link to download Personal Web Server (PWS).
- 1/2/00
- Added a new script (set) by Stan Zilberleyb that he calls
ASP Function Insight that creates VTML tags for your ASP
functions to add to your Expression Builder file.
- B. Collier Jones posted new versions of his HTML+ color parsers.
Note that he added parsers for JSP, PHP and HTML+ with no server-side support.
- 12/20/99
- Added a Disclaimer page to make it clear that I'm not
doing this site for pay from Allaire... or anyone else for that matter...
- B. Collier Jones posted new versions of his HTML+ color parsers. I updated my mirror copy to match.
- Added a link in the list to a couple of add-ons for Dreamweaver that support ASP development (from Emmanuel Meurant).
- 12/15-18/99
- Updated the link and email address for Brent Bain and his ASP/Vbscript Expression Builder.
- Added a page about Source and Version Control.
- 12/7-12/99
- Posted the new formVarSetup script by Keith Collison.
- Fixed the links to allaire resources and articles. www1. wasn't working anymore.
- Added a listing to Chris Bradford's includebrowse3 script. This isn't new.
- Added some new (to asp4hs) links to CNET and Microsoft recources.
- Joel Mueller sent me an enhanced AddRespWrite2 script for converting HTML to Response.Write code.
- Damian sent me a toolbar file for the management tools for SQL Server 7.
- It's not strictly Asp4HS material, but I've posted a page that might be useful...
CSS Font Size Control, Recommendations.
- 11/30 - 12/2/99
- 11/22-23/99
- Added the new FunctionHelp script from Per Søderlind.
It displays the help file/description for functions defined in the
ExpressionElements.vtm file when you click on a function and then
hit the shortcut key.
- Joel Mueller sent me his cis_header WSH script that will insert commented header
information into the top of current file and then maintain the modified date upon future editing.
- Added the ASPsnips_DM snippets set from Damian Maclennan.
- Since some people have been having trouble getting to Collier's HTML+ parsers,
I have mirrored his files on Asp4Hs.
- 11/12-19/99
- Just got word that B. Collier Jones' HTML+ parsers
will be included
in the release of HomeSite v4.5. Cool.
- Added a listing for the Microsoft JScript Documentation download.
- Keith Collison has updated his ASP Database VTM. We're working out the download details. Here soon.
- 11/8/99
- B. Collier Jones posted a new version of his HTML+ color parser that will run under
HS 4.5rc1 and use many more editable styles.
- Added an Asp4Hs announcements mailing list. Sign up if
you'd like to hear when I get additions or significant updates.
- 11/1-2/99
- 10/28/99
- Thanks to Damian Maclennan, we now have sets of help files for the
VbScript and ASP References from microsoft.
- Rearranged the site a bit, moved the list from the main page to a separate
Add-On's List.
- 10/21/99
- Hold your horses. I just started putting this up ;-)
Request: I'm still playing with
CSS font size control for this site,
so please let me know if it's giving you any problems or is too small.