Web Design Links

Warning:Frequent Updates

This list compiles many of the more useful webdesign resources I've come across and (mostly) used in the past few years. They are here as much for my use as for yours, but I hope you find something new to make your webdesign life a bit easier. Please don't copy this whole list and claim it as your own as a few others have done. I have put a fair amount of work into it. ~jw

  1. Overall Design and Development
  2. Tools & Software
  3. Website Apps/Functions
  4. Organizations
  5. Scripts & Scripting Resources
  6. Javascript Guides
  7. Style Guides
  1. HTML and Design Help
  2. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
  3. Graphics
  4. Color Selection
  5. Web Design Templates
  6. Misc, Unsorted

Update: I've moved most of my web design and development links over to a section in my SuperLinks list.
The list here is older and is not actively maintained, so please go there instead. Thanks!
BTW, nCubed.com SuperLinks is definitely worth checking out. (a very cool ASP/XML links list manager web application)

See also Interesting Articles: Web Design, ASP Links and Website Design and Development.

Overall Design and Development

For want of a better section name... some of these resources cover so much ground that they fit into many or all categories of webdesign and development. Others work at a higher level than just HTML, scripting or graphics. These are some of my all-time favorite webdesign resources. All are well-written and understandable for all skill levels.



Below I list a few of the tools and software that I use or find particularly well-made and useful. Most are inexpensive, but well worth the price. There are a few more that I've used over in Favorite Software.


Website Applications/Functions

This section has some applications that you can use for your website, but which are hosted by 3rd parties. They provide all of the setup and administration and a certain amount of flexibility in design and look. You sign up and do a little linking or add a few form pages from your site to add the function. Much easier than writing or installing scripts or similar functionality yourself.

The CGI Resource Index has a list of Remotely Hosted scripts and functions. Also, check out the Webmonkey article, Adding Search to Your Site.




Scripts and Scripting Resources


Javascript Guides


Style Guides


HTML and Design Help


CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

Here are some of the better resources and info I've found concerning the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Since there are many incompatibilities and bugs in CSS use between the different browsers, versions and platforms (PC, mac, unix, etc) it's very important to test and read a lot before using any particular CSS feature. You can find my recommended starting point CSS file here.




Color Selection


Web Design Templates

In general, I don't think using heavy graphics for interfaces on websites is a good idea, but some of these sites have such gorgeous artwork and such neat javascript interfaces that I'm almost tempted to the dark side... Some other sites just have templates which could be useful, but not image heavy. So far I prefer to do my own, but these are good for ideas...


Miscellaneous, Unsorted
