Research on our Ness line, starting at John Herbert Ness

Naomi and John Herbert Ness |
Here are some of my notes and links gathered in researching my
Ness family line.
I'm working back from my step-grandfather, Rev. Dr. John Herbert Ness (1919-2000).
I'll post something more structured here on that once it's more stable.
In the meantime, here are a few tasty tidbits.
- Richard Shindle
has a large tree of reliable ancestor data for the Kiracofe branch.
Start at Myra Grace Kiracofe,
wife of John Harrison Ness.
- Ness Geneology [sic]
by Paul Ness, has some interesting details on Matthias (Matthis) Nehs, Sr.
(1673-1741/2) and the next few generations.
- More sources are listed below:
JHerbN, JHarrN
- I've listed what we have (confirmed and suspected) on the
basics of our Ness ancestral line/tree below.
Suggestions and data always welcomed.
Thanks! Jeff Wilkinson
One problem I'm having is that there seem to
be many copies of family tree data going back to Matthias Ness/Nehs Sr.,
but they have variations and contradictions. Many seem to be quick copies
of others' data.
Does anyone know any good reliable, well-sourced data on this Ness line?
Also, I've heard that the Ness family has large family reunions and a huge
tree of family data, but who is the contact for that?
The last contact our family had was in 1981.
Supporting Documents
Here are a few links, scans and transcripts of documents, obituaries, etc.
They give some interesting additional information. If you have more related docs -
particularly obituaries, please send me a scan, text/doc/html file or link.
Other Resources
This is the general line I believe we're part of. This is roughly listed
here with a few of the sources I've found so far. I'll post a prettier report later.
- Matthias Ness/Nehs (Sr.), 1673 – 2/1742
- According to several sites, Matthias had 2 wives:
Maria Barbara, married 1695 in Germany,
then Anna Barbara Hoerdter, married 1720/1729 in Penn.
- This
says he and his son (Matthias Jr.) were born in Luneberg, Hanover,
Germany, N. Alsace. Both died in the US.
- Immigrated to the USA: Arrived in Philadelphia September 21, 1731 on the ship Brittania of London.
- Paul Ness also has some detailed info on MNsr.
- misc hits:
- All of this data unconfirmed at this point. I need to determine reliable sources.
- Matthias Ness/Nehs (Jr.), 1704 – 1767 (son of Matthias Ness (Sr.) and Maria Barbara)
- By some sources, he married to Anna Catharina Motz, 10/2/1701 – 9/1767
- Another source said he married Dorothea (?), 1706? - ?
- Immigrated with his father/parents?
- Paul Ness also has some detailed info on MNjr.
- All of this data unconfirmed at this point. I need to determine reliable sources.
- John Jacob Ness, June/July?/25/1726 – 1782 (son of Matthias Ness (Jr.) and ?)
- Wife's name varies depending on source, probably Maria Magdalena Josi
- Paul Ness says:
"Hans (Johan)(John) Jacob, who was born in Mitschdorf on July 25, 1726.
He married Maria Magdalena, daughter of Johan Martin and Anna Johanna Josi.
They were married in York, Pennsylvania on November 22, 1748.
He received a warrant for 100 acres in Springfield Township, York County,
on March 19, 1746 and 50 acres on June 1, 1767, that was surveyed as 235.48 acres.
He died in Shrewsbury Township, York County, in 1782 (approx.)
and was probably buried in the Friedensaal Church yard (Shuster's/White
Church in Seven Valleys, York County)."
- All of this data unconfirmed at this point. I need to determine reliable sources.
- John Jacob Ness Jr., 5/26/1766 – abt 1817? (son of John Jacob Ness)
- Married to Christina (Fissell or Fischell?) abt 1773? - ?
- FamilyHart data
- All of this data unconfirmed at this point. I need to determine reliable sources.
- Daniel Ness, ? - 1848 (son of John Jacob Ness Jr.)
- Wife unknown
- All of this data unconfirmed at this point. I need to determine reliable sources.
- Daniel Ness, 1824 – 7/21/1900, (son of Daniel Ness)
- Married to Lydia Hess, 6/17/1822 – 9/22/1886
- FamilyHart data,
on Lydia Hess and her ancestors
- All of this data unconfirmed at this point. I need to determine reliable sources.
- John J/Jefferson? Ness, 3/4/1856 – 8/24/1947, (son of Daniel Ness)
- Married to Elizabeth Snyder, 5/16/1858 – 11/20/1942.
- I have census data on their family.
- Still trying to determine names of all their children.
The 1910 census reported that they had 11 children, 7 living.
- Middle name Jefferson is unconfirmed. Census just lists "J"
- Cheryl Lutz has data on Elizabeth Snyder
and her ancestors
- Rev. Dr. John Harrison Ness "Sr.", 10/23/1891 – 2/15/1980 (son of John J/Jefferson? Ness)
- Rev. Dr. John Herbert Ness "Jr.", 9/29/1919 - 9/18/2000 (son of John Harrison Ness)
- 1st marriage to Lucille Hull, still living.
- 2nd marriage to Vera Naomi Kaiser, 12/27/1918 - 1/4/2002 (my grandmother)
- His children by Lucille are still living.
- No children by JHerbN and Naomi, though she had 2 by prior marriage.
- More sources and information are listed elsewhere on this page.
- A brother still living? Trying to contact him...
- I have documented the descendants of John Herbert Ness, but they are all
still living, so it won't be available here. If you are one of them,
please contact me
to get a copy.
One warning: once you get to researching the York County, PA Nesses, you'll
find that there are a lot of them there... and a great many
seem to be named John Ness, often without middle names listed. (Argh!)
My grandfather's living descendants also include a number of John Nesses.
For the sake of future genealogy research, please start naming your sons something
other than John... Please!!! ;-)